Friday 27th September 2024
Hi Everyone
Another week and almost the end of September! Students and staff are working hard in the classroom and quite a number of extra-curricular activities are already on the go.
Staff were very busy on Monday, brainstorming Department requirements for the new school. The progress of the new school has been amazing to date and once the building is enclosed, the internal structures will be transformed.
Year 8 Form Teachers also completed the Year 8 Pastoral Meetings. We find these meetings invaluable and Year 8 have settled into College life very well. It was lovely to receive positive feedback from our Year 8 Parents/Guardians, reaffirming the importance of transition, pastoral support, relationships and happy pupils.
Congratulations to Year 8 in their First Gaelic Tournament for the College in Garvaghey. They won all their matches and deserve every credit for their sportsmanship on the pitch. Well done Boys!. Year 10 Corn na Og Team are well in training and the MacRory Team had a successful win against St Mary’s Magherafelt.
Post 16 Students had a very interesting University Roadshow presentation this morning, with particular reference to universities in the UK. Discussion was held re Courses, criteria and qualifications alongside fees, personal maintenance and lifestyle. Difficult decisions ahead.
Another busy event on Thursday afternoon was the annual Sports Awards Prize-Giving, again to successful winners in a range of school sports but also in recognition of those students who engage in different sports outside of school. Guest speaker was Tyrone Goal Keeper, Mr Niall Morgan, who spoke with passion and words of encouragement. We thank Niall for giving of his time to attend and wish him and the Tyrone Team the best of luck for the forthcoming year.
Students were delighted to receive their awards and with the support of the many coaches and managers in the College, both male and female, their future is very bright. Our thanks are extended to Mr Canavan, Mr Mc Keever, PE Department and Mr Mc Girr for another excellent showcase of sport in the College. Well done everyone!
Another week over - Enjoy your weekend
Isabel Russell