The Aims of Mathematics Department
Set challenging targets with high expectations for all students
Offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate students
Enable students to develop their mathematical skills with confidence and enjoyment.
Assist students to develop the ability to apply Mathematics in everyday situations.
Develop students’ abilities to reason logically, to classify, generalise and to prove.
Explore enrichment opportunities outside the curriculum to enhance students’ enjoyment of Mathematics
Dungannon Cookstown ALC Numeracy Best Practice Guidelines
KS3 Curriculum (Years 8, 9 and 10)
At KS3 all students follow the same curriculum with lessons appropriately differentiated. Students cover the full Key Stage 3 curriculum covering Number, Shape and Space, Data Handling, Algebra and Measures. Lessons are varied and feature activities, problem solving tasks and small group work. There are 4 assessments in the year including 2 examinations, one in December and the other in June.
KS4 Curriculum (Years 11/12)
GCSE Mathematics
Exam Board: CCEA
This is a two-year unitised course, with a new specification for first teaching from September 2017. It is assessed by exam only, there is no coursework or controlled assessment.
Two Modules:
Year 11 – 45% of GCSE – one calculator paper
Year 12 – 55% of GCSE – two papers – one non-calculator and one calculator.
Both exams are on the same day.
GCSE Further Mathematics
Exam Board: CCEA
This is a new specification for first teaching from September 2017. It is a two-year unitised course assessed by exam only, there is no coursework or controlled assessment.
Three Modules:
Year 11 – Unit 1 Pure Mathematics worth 50% of GCSE
Year 12 – Unit 2 Mechanics worth 25% of GCSE
Unit 3 Statistics worth 25% of GCSE
Departmental Staff
Mr K O'Boyle (Head of Department)
Mr S Forker
Mrs C Hughes
Mr R Litter
Miss D McGorrey
Mrs C Morgan
Mrs C Magee
Mrs C Boyle

KS5 Curriculum (Years 13/14)
Exam Board: CCEA
Course description: Mathematics is offered at both AS and A2 level. All units are assessed in June each year.
Students can take:
• the AS course as a final qualification; or
• the AS units plus the A2 units for a full GCE A level qualification.
The full Advanced GCE award is based on students’ marks from the AS (40 percent) and the A2 (60 percent).
GCE Mathematics (4 units) AS1 Pure, AS1 Applied, A21 Pure, A22 Applied.
Mathematics at AS or Advanced GCE is challenging and interesting. It involves both logical reasoning and strategic reasoning, models reality, describes discoveries and opens doors to the unknown.
As well as being a sought after qualification for the work place and courses in higher education, Mathematics A-Level opens a whole world of career possibilities.