Common student concerns about starting secondary school:
-Getting to school and back (especially if they travel by bus)
-Not making friends
- Losing existing friends
- Being bullied
- Getting lost or being scared at the school’s size
- Not having the right books or equipment
- Not coping with the work
- How to do their homework
- Not being sure where to go for help
- Coping with so many different teachers
- Not understanding what the teacher wants them to do
- Getting into trouble
Nurture Provision
A unique initiative in the form of Nurture Provision offers pupils, a short- term focused intervention
strategy, within a smaller pupil setting, to develop confidence with individualised support.
This model of pastoral support and guidance ensures that every pupil is looked after as an individual, that
they can achieve their aspirations and dreams, and develop as a well-rounded young person. In Holy Trinity
College, we ensure that our pupils feel safe, valued, nurtured and happy, and that they enjoy coming to school
each day.

What is Nurture?
Nurture refers to the care and attention that children are given while they are growing and developing. This helps to give them emotional resilience.
Nurture highlights the importance of social environments because if focuses on the people around a child and not the features that they were born with.

HTC Sensory Room
The recently opened Sensory Room at Holy Trinity College is a welcoming, relaxing safe space where our pupils
can come to stimulate their senses, relax, and unwind from the demands of busy school life. The pupils had their
voice in determining how they wanted the space to look and feel.
Our new sensory room is equipped with a space themed dark den, bean bags and weighted blankets. It also
features an affirmation station, giving our pupils the opportunity to have a positive experience and build their
confidence. Soft furnishings, cushions, and blankets with tassels all add to the relaxing ambience of the room.
Keeping it contemporary, we also have a disco ball Bluetooth speaker where pupils can play their music of
choice. Lava lamps, fidget toys, bubble tubes, sensory balls and slinkies all feature
to make this room a sanctuary for our pupils.
Art equipment and a workstation were also requested from the pupils as they acknowledge the importance of
With 58 children currently on our ASD register, this room is a welcome addition to
the College.
Learning Support Centre
Holy Trinity College Cookstown is very proud of its inclusivity and all staff members strive for every child to
achieve their maximum potential. We understand the barriers to education that many young people face today.
In 2022 we opened our new Learning Support Centre with the main focus being that young children have a love
for education at a differentiated and manageable level. Through a carefully designed multisensory curriculum
the children within the Learning Support Centre can maximise their potential and achieve their optimum in a
range of different subjects. The dedicated staff who work in the Learning Support Centre can support your child
not just academically but also support them emotionally and socially.
The Learning Support Centre aims to:
● Establish a secure and happy environment which will allow the child to flourish and enjoy learning.
● Provide a broad and balanced curriculum, relevant to the intellectual, social and emotional needs of
the individual pupil. Each pupil will have access to the full Northern Ireland Curriculum, with a range
of multi-sensory teaching and learning strategies, at a level commensurate to his/her ability (when
possible and appropriate).
● Employ teaching methods and classroom strategies which will facilitate the development of the pupils
as independent and effective learners.
● Develop opportunities for integrating the pupils with their peers into other mainstream subjects to
increase knowledge and confidence.
● Provide opportunities to develop independent life skills.
● Establish contact with outside agencies which benefit the pupils, i.e. Educational Psychology
Services, Education Welfare Officers, Social Workers, Speech Therapists, and Careers Officers etc.