Careers Department
Welcome to the Careers Department. Be sure to check here regularly for updates on Apprenticeships, Work Experience Schemes, Further and Higher Education Events and Employment opportunities. If you need any help or additional information please contact your careers teacher.
Head of Department
Mrs McSorley

Year 13 & 14 Area
Important Information
CEIAG – Career Education Information Advice and Guidance
The College CEIAG programme is a key element in the curriculum provision across all Key Stages and is designed to equip students with the skills and experience to make sound career choices and to progress to third level education, apprenticeships, or the world of work. Students are involved in Personal Career Planning where students are encouraged to take ownership of Career Management so that informed and realistic choices are made at the key transition stages of Years 10, 12 and 14. Information meetings for Parents are also provided at the vital transition stages. Pupils in Year 8 and 9 undertake Employability lessons as part of the Learning for Life and Work Curriculum.
A high quality Careers Education Programme provides guidance at key transition points with work related learning activities and work experience. The involvement of many employers and the business community further enhances learning opportunities via industrial visits, sponsorship and support for students, in a wide range of academic and vocational courses. This enriches classroom learning, develops career awareness, self-development, and employability skills and encourages students to reach their full potential.
Careers Education is a continuous process and an important element of the college curriculum. Through the Careers Education, Information and Guidance Department students work on self-assessment programmes which look at their ability, personality, interests and opportunities. This then allows pupils to make informed GCSE choices in Year 10 and to make the transition from leaving school in Year and 14 to full-time employment, further education, higher education and apprenticeships. Students are provided with relevant information on jobs, training schemes and further and higher education.
Careers Co-ordinator - Mrs U McSorley (Head of CEIAG)
Careers Teachers -
Mrs E Beggs
Mrs S McElhinney
Mrs B Geraghty
Ms A Cadden
DFE Cookstown Careers Service Advisor- Mrs Mary Jo McWilliams & Mrs Stacey McNulty

The CEIAG department has one full-time careers teacher assisted by four other teachers, with the support of a Careers Adviser from the Northern Ireland Careers Service, Mrs Mary Jo McWilliams and Mrs Stacey McNulty. A full range of careers literature is available for consultation together with Careers software available through students my school homepage or www.nidirect.gov.uk/careers. Parents/Guardians can access this careers software from the website also.
Year 10
Personal Careers Planning Process – pupils evaluate themselves through self assessment and by the end of the process should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. GCSE choices are made in Year 10 with the support of the Careers teachers.
Year 11
Action Planning Process – students build on the process of personal career planning which commenced in Year 10. Students are given the opportunity to research potential career and job interests and relevant qualifications.
Year 12
Northern Ireland Careers Service ‘Get Connected’ programme is completed by all Year 12 and as a consequence have individual interviews with a Careers Adviser. Advice on Post-16 choices and opportunities are given through presentations and consultation with a Careers Adviser. Presentations are given by outside agencies, e.g. Training organisations, public employers and further and higher education establishments.
In Years 13 and 14 opportunities are given for students to consider future options and build upon skills and knowledge gained in Years 11 and 12.
Year 13
The Personal career planning process is revisited for Post 18 choices and students begin to consider further where their strengths and weaknesses lie, this is supported with psychometric testing through careers software. Consultation with careers Adviser is available. Independent research is carried out by students. Pupils have the opportunity to attend the UCAS Higher Education Conference. All students participate in the college Work Shadowing Scheme.
Year 14
Students receive a presentation from an outside body on UCAS application for further and higher education. Students attend Open days at the UUJ, QUB, St Mary’s University College and have the option of attending other open days independently. Students are prepared for the transition from Year 14 to employment, further or higher education and apprenticeships with in- built skills in CV and Application processes. Students have access to workshops on interview skills with local and national employers/organisations in their chosen career pathway. Students receive presentations from Further and Higher Education Colleges to inform their decision making in relation to course choices.