For the attention of Examination Students in Years 11 - 14
We understand the exceptional situation that schools, awarding bodies, parents/guardians and most importantly examination pupils in Years 11 – 14 have found themselves, within the past few weeks. Clarity has now been derived from our Education Minister and guidance for the awarding of academic GCSE and GCE results can be found on the CCEA website at:
It is important to note that the same format for awarding grades will be followed by our other Examination Boards, ie, AQA, WJEC and OCR.
All Level 2 & 3 vocational qualifications (including Occupational Studies) offered in the College, are from a range of Examination Boards. The awarding bodies are still working with fellow regulators, awarding organisations and government bodies to make the final decision with regard to issue of results. It is anticipated that final decisions will be shared as soon as possible.
Please be assured:“The centre assessment grades submitted to CCEA will reflect a fair, reasonable and carefully considered judgement of the most likely grade a student would have achieved, if they had sat their exams this summer and completed any coursework, controlled assessment or other assessments required by the qualification”.
Below includes details taken from CCEA Awarding Body, to answer the most pressing questions, following the Minister of Education’s announcement on the Examination process.