Departmental Staff
Mrs A Donnelly
Mrs A Hyndman
Mrs S Lagan
Mrs M McDonald
Mrs M Monaghan
Mrs C Skelton
Miss M Teague
Mrs M Tracey
Mrs M Toal
Mr M Donnelly
Secretarial and Technical support: Miss E Quinn.
The English department is committed to developing the literacy and communication skills of every child and to allowing every child to become the best they can. To this end the department promotes personalised learning and the development of pupils’ Personal Capabilities and Thinking Skills. It is the aim of the English department to provide students with the skills necessary for the world of work, to enable them to make balanced moral judgements as well as fostering an awareness of the value of self-discipline and a sense of responsibility to others.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum
(Years 8, 9 and 10)
At Key stage three pupils explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. They are introduced to novels in years 8, 9 and 10 and read a wide range of materials, including poetry, play extracts and short stories, that are both stimulating and enjoyable. Similarly, the pupils are encouraged to write for a variety of audiences and purposes and in a range of different forms. Pupils’ speaking and listening skills are developed through paired, group and whole class discussions.
English is currently responsible for the assessment of Communication at KS3. In year ten pupils complete a portfolio of work demonstrating their skills in the areas of reading and writing. During class time they are also assessed on their speaking and listening skills.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum (Years 11/12)
GCSE English Language
At KS4 all pupils are given the opportunity to complete GCSE Language. The exam board is CCEA. The GCSE course offers pupils the opportunity to read literary heritage texts, non-fiction texts and to embrace a spoken language study. Pupils also develop their writing skills by writing in different forms, for different audiences and purposes. Pupils who successfully complete the 2-year course develop a range of skills in both reading and writing that are necessary for the world of work.
GCSE English Literature
GCSE English Literature is offered to one additional class. The GCSE English Literature course is a two year course which encourages the reading of a wide range of Literature including writers such as: John Steinbeck, William Shakespeare and Willy Russell. This is an exciting course that offers the opportunity to develop a pupil’s interest in the love of Literature. The exam board is CCEA.

Key Stage 5 Curriculum (Years 13/14)
A Level English Literature
The department currently follows the OCR specification for A Level English Literature. The course encourages pupils to engage with a wide range of literature including the work of authors such as Shakespeare, McGahern, Synge, Friel, Ibsen and many other popular literary figures.

Additional Information
Teaching Strategies:
Teachers in the English department are keen to engage and motivate students and therefore employ the following teaching strategies:
· Active Learning and teaching strategies, particularly Kinaesthetic techniques.
· Drama techniques such as hot-seating, conscience alley and tableaux.
· Linking of new and prior knowledge through KWL grids.
· Sharing of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria.
· Assessment for Learning techniques such as Self and Peer Assessment.
· Effective use of questioning.
· Effective use of ICT.
Time Allocation for English Lessons
Key Stage 3:
v 8 x 50/55 minute periods per fortnight. (1 class spent in the college library)
Year 11:
v 7 x 50/55 minute periods per fortnight.
Year 12:
v 8x 50/55 minute periods per fortnight
Year 13/14
v A Level 12 x 50/55 minute periods per fortnight.
In recent years we have invested in a range of resources to support pupils in the learning environment. These resources include:
v Online versions of textbooks and novels
v Access to iPads
v Access to laptops
v Each room is equipped with touch screen board or an interactive whiteboard
v Digital cameras and digital camcorders
v Resources available on the college’s VLE
Extra Curricular Activities
Many extra curricular activities are promoted within the English Department. Pupils are encouraged to:
v Take part in competitions within and beyond the school
v Become involved in the Book club (Junior and Senior book clubs available)
v Attend productions in the theatre of set texts studied
v Attend cinema visits for set texts studied
v Take part in public speaking competitions
v Attend university lectures
v Engage in script writing and drama workshops
Useful Websites for Revision